About Knuckly

About Me

Hey, I'm Tela Andrews, the founder of Knuckly, a bootstrapped product studio. I love solving problems, building products, and building businesses. Knuckly is the home for the projects that I build.

I went to school for architecture, and practiced in architecture, land planning, and landscape architecture before I found out that software products have a faster feedback cycle. I’ve been coding even longer, starting with BASIC and LOGO as a kid. While I’m deeply technical, I was never able to become a productive developer. I just gravitated more towards product.

I’m a systems thinker, and my approach is to assemble experience in all the areas I need to execute, and to have collaborators when I need deeper technical expertise. My family loves to travel, and as soon as my kids were old enough we have. It’s always been our goal to be nomads. Knuckly is how I want to do it.

My career has been an intentional journey to collect the skills I need to build businesses that support my interests, the kinds of people I want to work with, and the life I want for me and my family.

Why Knuckly?

Knuckly was originally an idea I had for a photo app. But, over time, I came to like the name and the brand and feel it applied more broadly to me than to the specific app that I originally wanted to build. The word knuckly literally means prominent knuckles. But, to me it's the toughness I've built from making choices that increase my skillset across all the domains needed to build businesses.

Path Forward

Some of these projects will become businesses, some will fail, and maybe some will provide value to the community but not make money. I love niches, but also having helped scale companies and take them public, I’m still excited to define categories, if that’s what the opportunity is.

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